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2 Reasons To Hire An Attorney After A Trucking Accident

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One of the worst accidents you can get into is one involving a large commercial truck, mostly because of the damage it can do to you and your vehicle. Two reasons to hire an attorney after a trucking accident are because of the attorney's knowledge of the trucking industry and to maximize your potential payout.

Attorney's Knowledge Of The Trucking Industry

An attorney is going to be key to winning any kind of settlement from a trucking company, mostly because an experienced trucking accident lawyer will know all of the regulations and licensing requirements for the trucking industry. The attorney will be able to use that knowledge to find any errors on the trucking company or driver's part in order to maximize your chances of winning in court.

For example, different types of cargo will require different licences in order to prove that the driver has the necessary training to transport those loads safely. If a driver is hauling a load that is too large for their license and certifications, then the lawyer will be able to use that as proof that the driver and company were negligent and that that led to the accident.

Another way that your lawyer can help you win your case is by determining how long the driver had been operating his or her vehicle continuously. The law requires that truck drivers only operate their vehicles for a set number of hours before needing to rest. However, many drivers push themselves past that point, which your lawyer can use as another sign of negligence to help you win your case.

Maximize Your Potential Payout

Another reason to hire a trucking accident lawyer is to help you maximize your payout. This is especially important since a collision with a commercial truck can easily lead to you having many thousands of dollars of medical and repair bills. Your lawyer can ensure that you receive at least enough money to pay for those medical and repair bills.

In addition, your lawyer can attempt to get you compensated for any lost wages as a result of injuries sustained in the accident. While you may not always be able to get the entire value of your lost wages, you can at least get a percentage so that you can pay your day-to-day expenses until you return to work.

Speak with an attorney today if you have been involved in an accident with a commercial truck. An attorney can use his or her knowledge of the trucking industry's regulations to improve your chances of winning your case, while also helping you get enough money to pay for your medical and repair bills.
