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Going Through A Divorce? Why You Need To Hire An Attorney

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If you are currently in the process of divorce, you may be tempted to go through the ordeal without the help of legal counsel.  This could be for several reasons:  Either you don't want to spend the extra money to hire a lawyer, or you and your mate may be on good terms and believe that you are both level-headed enough to file for the divorce without involving the justice system.  However, failing to obtain legal representation during your divorce proceedings may prove to be a critical error on your part.  Use this information to learn more about why you should definitely hire an attorney to assist you with your divorce.

The Legalities Matter

The legal aspect of the matter is one of the main reasons why it is so important for you to obtain the assistance of a divorce lawyer.  When you get the final decree of divorce, there will usually be an agreement drawn up as part of the divorce certificate.  This will outline how you and your former mate plan to split up your assets, detail child custody and cement the amount of alimony that either of you will receive.  Unless you have an extensive background in the nature of contracts, you can make a fatal error on this document that winds up hurting you later on.  

For example, you may promise to pay your former spouse alimony each month for a stated number of years.  If you don't word this properly, your ex-mate may then take this document to court to contest it, desiring payment of alimony until they remarry.  This could set you back quite a bit if the judge grants them this extension.

A qualified divorce attorney knows exactly how to word your agreement so that it is binding and impenetrable.  You'll be glad to know that your financial future is not at stake because of a simple mistake that you made when drawing up the agreement.

A Divorce Lawyer Helps You Get The Evidence

Another reason why it's so good to have a divorce attorney on your side is that they can help you gather the evidence that you need so that you don't lose out during your divorce proceedings.  This is even more crucial if there is an issue surrounding child custody.  If you believe that you are the more fit parent, your lawyer will help you gather information concerning your children's doctor's records and the school attendance data showing that your former spouse is not caring for the children the way that they should.  This will go a long way toward ensuring that your children are with the parent who is best able to meet their needs.

You don't have to take the difficult journey of divorce alone.  Contact a divorce attorney like Granowitz, White & Weber Attorneys at Law as soon as possible so that you can enjoy these benefits and many more.
