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Waiting For An Insurance Claim After An Auto Accident? Call Your Lawyer

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Were you in an auto accident and you can't get your insurance company or the other driver's to pay for your expenses? Are the medical bills pouring in and starting to scare you? If so, you should talk with a car accident lawyer.

A lawyer can contact the insurance companies to see what is going on, especially if you qualify for a settlement. Here is the information you need for your lawyer when you get a consultation, which should be free of charge. From there the lawyer will give you the option to hire them for your case.

Medical Injuries and Bills

Are your injuries severe enough that you have tens of thousands in medical debt, and you need prolonged treatment? Neck, back and brain injuries, along with problems that require surgery, are often eligible for a settlement.

You need to gather all of your bills, from ambulance rides to the hospital to what you still pay in appointments and medications. Statements from all medical professionals are needed, along with costs associated with missing work, needing child care or other expenses. You also want a statement from a physician stating how long you may need treatment in the future, which can be crucial when getting a settlement to care for you for a lifetime.

Reports from the Accident

Did the police come to the scene of the accident and make a report? Were witnesses required to fill out a report about what happened? If so, tell your lawyer where the accident took place so they can get the reports from the local records building. All of these things can help prove you were innocent when the accident took place. Your lawyer may also want to see if your automobile is available, so they can access the black box. This box may have evidence about the accident.

Insurance Provider Information

The lawyer will need to talk with your insurance company and the other driver's to see why they aren't covering your costs. They will feel each of them out to see where you case stands. The call from the lawyer may be enough to get them to start paying your claim.

If you want to go for a settlement beyond what the insurance providers are willing to pay you, or if they haven't paid you anything and you want to go for a settlement, get what you deserve with a lawyer. A lawyer is going to look to see what the insurance companies are doing to help you get what you are entitled to. Someone else caused all of the pain and hardship you have had to deal with from the injury, and you shouldn't have to keep paying.
