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No Guarantees: Why Your Social Security Disability Application Was Denied

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Getting Social Security Disability benefits is not as easy as you may think. Just because you have a disease or disorder on the approved disabilities list, there are no guarantees that you will get benefits. In fact, most people who have very serious disabilities are surprised when their applications are denied. Here is why your application may be (or has been) denied:

You Did Not Meet the Required Burden of Proof

The Social Security Administration, or SSA, expect an overwhelming amount of evidence that shows what your disabling condition is, how it negatively impacts your life, and an extensive medical history. Therein lies the real issue, since most people who apply for benefits may have just found out a few days to a couple of weeks before they attempt to file a claim.

From the SSA's point of view, there is not enough evidence to show that your disease or disorder is disabling you completely. That is what the organization, and the federal government, want to see. You have to be full-out disabled and completely unable to work and function at home. Not enough of a history in any of these areas means that you do not meet the burden of proof required.

You Are Still Receiving Income

You could be in the third or fourth stages of cancer, and you could still be denied Social Security benefits if you are still receiving some sort of income. If you have cut all the way back on your work hours and barely work more than a couple of hours a week, the SSA still considers you "fit to work" and "not completely disabled." This makes the whole process extremely frustrating because if you quit and stopped working to receive benefits, you would lose your home and everything else in the process (unless a spouse can pick up the slack).

Getting a Social Security Disability Attorney

For all of the frustrations that SSA creates, it is and does try to protect the system against fraud. However, the only way you will probably ever see your benefits and have your claim accepted is if you hire a disability benefits lawyer. He or she can guide you through the process, instructing you how to best approach the initial application process, and how much personal, medical, and financial history you need to get your claim approved. the process may take a lot longer than you expected, so be prepared.

Contact a law office like Horn & Kelley, PC Attorneys at Law for more information and assistance. 
