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Your Ex May Be Hiding Their Income To Avoid Paying More In Child Support

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When your ex-partner owes child support after a divorce, one mistake they might make is to try to cover up their income. This is done with the goal of reducing the amount that your ex pays in child support. However, there are many ways in which you may be able to find out that the ex has a larger income than they claim.

How Your Ex Might Hide Their Income

When an individual fails to report their income during a divorce, they will often be earning money from a side gig. They might be self-employed and might be taking steps to conceal this source of income. 

Everyone is required to report their income to the IRS. Therefore, not only might your ex end up getting in trouble with the IRS, but a family attorney may be able to persuade the judge that your ex has "inferred income." With the evidence presented your attorney presents to the court, the judge might determine that your ex should have higher child support obligations.

The Role of Your Attorney and a Private Investigator

If your ex is reckless, they might make the mistake of bragging about their income on social media. Your family attorney might hire a private investigator who may dig deeper and find evidence that your ex is making purchases that they wouldn't be able to afford without a substantial income.

The Power of the Subpoena

Your attorney has many powers that can be used to obtain information that can be useful in a child support case. For example, your attorney can subpoena bank statements and other financial accounts to determine how many assets your ex has. Then, your ex will need to explain to the judge where their income is coming from and may be forced to pay more in child support.

The Consequences of Hiding Income

By attempting to cover up their income, your ex will likely make the judge angry who may also hold your ex in contempt of court. The judge may be less sympathetic to your ex when they attempt to negotiate a reduction in their child support payments. They will likely be required to pay back pay as well as interest. Failing to make these payments can lead to your ex potentially going to jail. Because of all the possible benefits and consequences of taking certain legal actions, you'll want to talk to a family attorney before moving forward.

For more information on family law, contact a professional near you.
