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3 Issues That A Child Custody Attorney Can Help You With

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If you are going through a divorce or are in the process of filing for one, you may be dreading the thought of child custody proceedings. After all, this can be an emotional and stressful time for both parents. However, hiring a qualified child custody attorney can help make the process go smoother and help you get the best possible outcome for your family. Here are three issues that a child custody attorney can help you with:

Establishing a Suitable Guardianship Arrangement Post-Divorce 

When it comes to child care post-divorce, there are two main types of arrangements that can be made: sole custody and joint custody. In the former arrangement, one parent is given primary custody of the child, and the other parent is awarded visitation rights. In the latter arrangement, both parents share guardianship of the child and have an equal say in the child's welfare decisions. A lawyer can help you negotiate the best child guardianship arrangement for your child. They will also enforce the agreement if the other parent is not following it.

Addressing Child Support Issues

Child support is money one parent pays the other to help cover the costs of raising their children. The amount of child support that is paid depends on a number of factors, including the incomes of both parents and the number of children involved.

A lawyer can help you negotiate a fair and reasonable child support agreement with the other parent. And if they disagree with the amount of child support ordered, your lawyer can represent you in court and argue on your behalf. They can also help you collect any overdue child support payments.

Recovery of Alimony for the Upkeep of a Minor 

Alimony is often awarded to the custodial parent in a divorce, in order to help them cover the costs of caring for the child. If your ex-spouse stops making their alimony payments, a child custody attorney can help you recover the money that you are owed. This is important because the custodial parent is typically responsible for the majority of the child's expenses. The amount of spousal support that is paid depends on a number of factors, including the spouses' incomes and how long they were married. 

Determining child custody arrangements can be one of the most difficult parts of getting divorced. However, a qualified child custody attorney can help make this process easier. They can also help you modify your custody arrangement if your circumstances change, and recover alimony payments if your ex-spouse stops making them. If you are going through a divorce and have children, hiring a child custody attorney is in your best interests.

Contact a local child custody lawyer to learn more. 
