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How To Protest Your Property Tax Bill

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When you are paying taxes on your property for the first time, one of the first things you'll want to do is to find out to who you should be paying your taxes. In some states, there is a central authority that is responsible for collecting taxes. In other states, you are expected to pay county and school taxes and this will be based on your address. 

When to Consult With an Attorney

It's especially important to consult with a real estate tax attorney when selling your home. You might be forced to pay a capital gains tax if your real estate has appreciated in value. There might also be tax implications when you are buying or renting. 

Your taxes are affected by the value of your home. Therefore, if you believe that your home has not been properly appraised and is viewed as being worth more than it actually is, you might be better off hiring a real estate tax attorney who can give you advice on how to make sure that you don't pay too much in taxes.

How Your Home is Appraised 

The appraisal is carried out by the appraisal review board. How the members of the appraisal review board are chosen depends on how large your county is. If your county is very large, the board is chosen by a district judge. If it is smaller, the board of directors chooses. 

You will be notified about how your taxes have been assessed and will also be notified about the taxes that are owed. However, if you do not agree with the assessment, your real estate tax attorney will assist you in protesting to the appraisal review board.

How to Appeal

To determine how much a property should be worth, one approach is to review sales data for a jurisdiction. This helps to establish a framework that allows for the district to make assessments. If you believe that your property has been appraised incorrectly, you might be able to ask your neighbors for help.

You are allowed to appeal while using your neighbors as a jury. They will look at the appraisal evidence and will then help you reach a reasonable settlement. This is usually referred to as a compromise. However, if you are not happy with the compromise, you still have the option of going to court so that you can receive a ruling from a legal professional. A real estate tax attorney can then represent you in court.

Consult with a real estate tax lawyer to learn more. 
