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4 Things Your Worker's Compensation Lawyer May Help You With

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Worker's compensation benefits shield employees from losses related to work-related injuries. However, you will only enjoy the shielding if you get all the benefits you deserve. Below are four ways a lawyer can help you enjoy these benefits.

1. Filing Claim

The worker's compensation claim process follows a specific path that depends on your state laws. In most places, however, you must:

  • Report your injury to the employer
  • Get relevant medical care
  • Complete the relevant documentation for the claim
  • Submit the information to the worker's compensation department

Your employer should guide you and submit the claim forms on your behalf. You do not need a lawyer, but having one helps considerably.

For example, your lawyer may help if your disability has impaired your mobility. Your lawyer may also push your employer to do their part in the claim process, especially if they are dragging their feet.

2. Adjusting Benefits

A lawyer can also help you fight for more benefits if the current ones are less than you should receive. The lawyer will review your medical records, employment records, and worker's compensation benefits. The review will help them prove the need for adjusted benefits to the worker's compensation department.

3. Appealing a Denied Claim

You have the right to appeal a denied worker's compensation claim. The worker's compensation department might deny your claim if they feel that:

  • Your injuries are not work-related
  • You have problems with your paperwork, for example, if you don't submit all the necessary paperwork
  • You were intoxicated at the time of the accident

Appealing a denied claim requires a lawyer's help because you must overcome the denial reason and prove why you deserve the compensation. You must also meet specific deadlines with the appeal; otherwise, you lose your chance.

4. Negotiating a Lump Sum Settlement

You can choose a lump-sum worker's compensation settlement instead of periodic payments. You may consider the lump sum benefits if:

  • You have specific needs that require a huge sum
  • You want financial security due to a disability that means you will never return to work
  • You don't want to deal with worker's compensation on an ongoing basis

You need a lawyer for the lump sum settlement because you won't receive any more benefits once you accept the settlement. That means you should be careful and include all the compensation you need during the negotiations. You must also factor in your future needs, including medical bills and depreciation.

Contact a local law firm to learn more, like Bollenbeck Law, S.C.
